Hello friends, welcome to The Wootique
If you have found yourself here, it's likely you have some magical tendencies and an interest in tarot, oracle cards and other divination delights. Guess what? Me too!
My name is Miranda and I'm one half of The Wootique with my friend, Sara. We met many moons ago in Ibiza, when clubs had no roofs and phones had no cameras. Incidentally, Ibiza was said to be the only place which would survive the apocalypse by sooth-sayer Nostradamus and also is rumoured to be the third most magnetic place on earth, which definitely leads to some interesting and unexpected happenings as well as some very late nights...
I've been reading tarot cards for three decades, however I only had three tarot decks that whole time. It wasn't until I started posting on Instagram as @mysticpandatarot that I discovered the enormous worldwide witchy community and the incredible artists and deck creators out there. It was such a welcoming and supportive community and I am very grateful for the discovery.
The idea to start The Wootique came to me one morning as I was sorting out and rearranging my neglected altar. As Brexit had added an extra layer of VAT to importing goods to the UK from overseas since January 2021, it was making it harder to afford a deck purchase. In addition, the postal service was up the wazoo and I was fed up of refreshing the tracking page waiting for my package to snail mail across the continents. I wondered if it would be possible to order A LOT OF DECKS and effectively 'split the costs' between others who wanted to buy these items too. Hmmmm, yes, yes it would.
We have chosen a selection of decks we have either personally worked with and enjoyed, or have seen in use by friends on Instagram. I hope that you will enjoy them too, and of course if you have any suggestions of creations you would like to see in future, please tip us off in the comments or via email (address in connect page). Until next time, my friends...