I'm a guest witch in Kindred Spirit magazine

I have absolutely loved being able to start writing again. I first sent off a book proposal on the Leo new moon (as this new moon had worked so well for the Wootique launch) but promptly received a 'this is not for us' response. I thought that was that, until some feature writing opportunities came my way...
I have been in the Metro, discussing how tarot reading is akin to social work in that both methods of helping others are about awareness, empowerment and encouragement to make necessary changes. Click below to read..
Then I was thrilled to be a guest witch in the Notions and Potions column for Kindred Spirit magazine (out now!) where I was asked to write about tarot magic and how that helps day to day.
I have a few more journalistic endeavours in the pipeline - did I mention I used to be a journalist for more than ten years previously as well as a social worker - such as for the magical Witches magazine - very exciting times.