Tarotscopes - Aries season: growth, opportunity and healing

Hello friends, welcome to my Tarotscopes for Aries season, which begins today, on the Spring Equinox. Here in the UK the sun is out and the blossoms are blooming on the trees. It is the astrological new year and time for focusing on growth, opportunity, and let's face it - healing from last month's brutal Pisces season.
Instead of doing readings for your sun sign, I would invite you to pick a number from 1-5 for the months Triumphs, and another from 1-5 for the challenges. Then scroll down and read the two corresponding messages. I wish you all the best for the coming month...
1. The Sun and Queen of Swords
The spotlight is on you and what you have to say this month. This bodes well for any job interviews, important meetings or in your personal life, speaking up for yourself and what you need. It could see you successfully negotiating a deal or righting some wrongs.
2. The High Priestess and Empress
Wow this is a highly creative time for you, follow your instincts about any wild ideas you have, especially those connected to nature, spirituality, healing or writing. This combination could have you producing a body of work which will impress everyone this month.
3. Three of Pentacles and The Star
This month could see you finally deciding to join a course, workshop or community event you have been considering for a while. I feel this is something to do with a worthy cause and something which will bring healing to you and the people you are with.
4. Queen of cups, three of cups
Some celebration in the air this month, with you as the central focus! If it's not your birthday or anniversary, could this be recognition of your talents in another way, I can see a gathering of friends who want to honour you in some way, and you will feel reconnected when you spend time with them.
5. Nine of Pentacles, Seven of Swords
A plan is coming together nicely, you are about to harvest the fruits of your labour - this is likley a project you did all by yourself despite others' disapproval or nay-saying. I see you counting your blessings this month, look for the beauty in all (even those who said you'd never do it).
1. Judgment and Six Swords
Basically you are being asked to look at a situation or aspect of your life which you have outgrown, and focus on what lies beyond. The Six of Swords is a card of moving into better times, but there is some sadness in leaving a situation behind. Is it time to cut the chord and move into pastures new?
2. Eight of Wands, Three of Swords
Ouch, this could point to an unexpectedly blunt message you may receive this month, or alternatively that you need to focus on healing after a period of low mood or anxiety. This is not a long-lasting challenge as the Eight of Wands indicates a situation passing through with haste, so continue to look after your own interests and all will be well.
3. Emperor and Queen of Swords
Am I the drama? I don't think I'm the drama... Well, this month you could very well be, shall we say, influential in putting your foot in it. These are big cards of throwing your weight around and Aries season is a firey month, so try to pause before you speak!
4. Two of Pentacles and High Priestess
This month there is some challenge in communication, something that could be lost in translation or is somewhat foggy or not clear. I feel like you have enough to do without trying to pick up on someone else's vague communications so if you receive a message that is not clear, check out how it was meant before you fly off the handle!
5. Ace of Cups and Ace of Pentacles
How is having two lovely cards a challenge I hear you ask? Well two aces can sometimes mean going overboard with something eg making a big, rash purchase or declaring your love for someone prematurely. Just hold your horses this month and keep something in reserve, financially or otherwise.
I hope you enjoyed my Aries season Tarotscopes! Don't forget I'm available for email readings here and also will soon be offering face to face readings and also 1-1 reiki and sound sessions if you are in East London.
Big love, Miranda